Space law, policy, business and management  

Aims: Upon completion of this course, the student is able to: basically understand how national and international legislation regulates space activities and to apply this knowledge to particular cases; understand the theoretical underpinnings of space policy and develop a critical appreciation of its practical implementation, in particular in the European context; understand and explain the economic rationale of space activities and the ensuing interaction between industry and space organisations; understand and appreciate the role of management to achieve space project goals effectively with respect to time, budget, quality and organisational constraints. Previous knowledge: This course can only be followed by students who have registered for the master of space studies. ** Content ** Module Space Law (1.5 ECTs) Space law: International legal foundations;the Outer Space Treaty and other international Agreements International cooperation Selected issues of space law: - Liability and Insurance - Jurisdiction and property - Legal status of Astronauts - Space Stations and settlements - Launch and satellite operations Systems of national Space Law Module Space Business and Management (2 ECTs) In a half dozen session, specialized lecturers treat the following themes: Space project management Project control Financial control Contracts and insurances Licensing and intellectual property rights Governance and commercialisation Module Space Policy - National space doctrines and strategies;their formation,content and place - Comparison of space programmes and capabilities worldwide - Benefits analysis of space policy - International coalitions and competition - Issues of European policy - Issues of purpose and priority More information at:
Space law, policy, business and management

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